Product Care

How can I clean my product?

Our products are made of gypsum composite. There are several varieties of this material (such as concrete, for example), but the type we use has been tested for over 40 years in architecture/design/artwork and film set design. Although it is very strong, soft to the touch and waterproof, of course it can get dirty. We chose an uncoated matte for aesthetic reasons so as with uncoated ceramic or terracotta, discoloration can occur. So please avoid contact with dirt & water on the outside of our products as much as possible.

Did your product get dirty anyway? Then how do you clean your plaster composite products again? First, try washing off the dirt with water and possibly a little very mild soap. If that doesn't work, very fine sandpaper (1000+ ) may help. Finish your sanded product by wetting the entire product and drying it again completely and evenly with a soft towel.

How can I remove candle wax from my products?

Our products all have a very soft and matte appearance which is aesthetically super nice but it has the disadvantage that stain removal on uncoated products is not entirely possible.

However, there are 2 ways to remove most of the candle wax from our products:

  • Method 1: You should put your waxed product in the freezer until the wax is frozen. It should then pop off the product quite easily.
  • Method 2: This method involves heating the wax with a hair dryer until it becomes soft again. Absorb the wax with a dry cloth by pressing the cloth onto the product while heating it with a hair dryer. Now clean the entire product with a mild detergent and the soft side of a sponge. Finish by drying the product completely and evenly with a soft towel. In either case, an imprint of the wax will still be (slightly) visible on the material of your product but the wax itself will be well removed.

General care tips

Do not use our decorative products to hold/display food without packaging unless it is specifically stated that the product is suitable for food. Our coasters are treated with a coating but since no coating is 100% effective, you should wipe away spills immediately to avoid staining. After all, wine, coffee, tea, cola and so on are fairly acidic & corrosive. You may compare gypsum composite products to a beautiful concrete countertop. A concrete countertop is incredibly beautiful and strong but requires caution and is prone to staining.

Practical potting tips

- Plant your plant in our pots without water and with dry soil so as not to dirty the outside of the pot. When you are ready, you can water as much as the plant needs.

- Since our pots do not have drainage holes, we recommend that you put a small amount of drainage pebbles in the bottom of your plant pot before planting to avoid rotting your plant's roots when you water too much.

- If you don't use drainage stones, always make sure the soil is moist but not wet.